Smoke Chamber Parging

Fireplace smoke chambers are a crucial part of your fireplace that must be operating correctly for you to use your fireplace safely. The smoke chamber is a funnel-shaped portion of your fireplace that directs smoke from your firebox into the flue. The most common method used to create the desired smoke chamber shape is corbelling brick. However, this method can, unfortunately, lead to gaps. Parging addresses any gaps in the smoke chamber to create a smooth, insulated refractory mortar that meets NFPA requirements. 

What Is Chimney Parging?

Chimney parging prevents wear and tear from transforming into creosote buildup and causing masonry damage. The purpose of a smoke chamber is to act like a vacuum, sucking the smoke from the firebox and allowing airflow through your chimney. In the parging process, professional masons and chimney experts spread a thin layer of mortar on the chamber’s walls, covering imperfections and sealing air leaks.

The Parging Process

While the parging process is a relatively simple repair compared to some masonry projects, it is still best left to a professional. In order to be effective, parging must be done correctly with proper care. The basic steps to parging are:

  • Thoroughly clean the area by scrubbing with detergent, water, and a bristle brush. Be sure to remove all loose mortar, grime, and soot.
  • Rinse each section after cleaning.
  • Replace any damaged bricks.
  • Mist the section to be worked on with water so that it does not dry too fast when mortar is applied.
  • Apply mortar with a mason’s trowel.
  • Use a sweeping motion to spread the mortar on the wall and press it into any contours of the wall.

Benefits of Smoke Chamber Parging

Chimney fires produce byproducts called creosote and soot, which adhere to the walls of your chimney and restrict airflow. They are also highly combustible. Parging is a simple solution for covering the masonry of your smoke chamber and clearing creosote and debris, ensuring your chimney works safely for longer.

The benefits of regular chimney parging are:

  • Improving your fireplace’s performance
  • Fixing cracks, gaps or water damage
  • Reducing the creosote and debris buildup in your chimney
  • Preventing structural damage and fire hazards

Parging a chimney smoke chamber maintains drafting to maximum efficiency, preventing chimney fire fumes from entering your home and keeping highly combustible byproducts from building up.

Do You Need Smoke Chamber Parging?

Your annual chimney inspection is a good time to determine if you need smoke chamber parging. Even without signs of trouble, parging is a great preventive measure that will keep your fireplace performing optimally.

Pay attention to your chimney when it’s in use and when it’s not. If you notice any of the following signs, you might need to schedule a professional smoke chamber parging sooner rather than later:

  • Your fireplace is smoky.
  • You’re experiencing drafting problems.
  • Lighting or maintaining a fire is difficult.
  • The chimney has an odor of burnt asphalt.
  • You smell fumes indoors when using the fireplace.

Leave Your Chimney in Expert Hands

At Brick + Ember Outfitters, we take every project seriously. Our seasoned experts provide top-quality chimney parging. From inspection to application, we’ll take care of your home as if it were ours, with efficiency and professionalism.

Our hands-on approach follows the same three steps for every project to ensure your satisfaction:

  • Discover: We’ll approach your project with curiosity, getting to know your every need.
  • Solve: We’ll develop an action plan and empower you with the information and solutions you need to make an informed decision.
  • Install: We’ll get to work, paying attention to every detail and managing all aspects of the project so you can rest easy.

The certified mortars at Brick + Ember Outfitters will be able to assess your chimney’s smoke chamber and provide unparalleled parging services.

Let Brick + Ember Outfitters Take Care of Your Chimney

Parging is a crucial part of a chimney’s routine maintenance. Removing and preventing creosote buildup in chimneys ensures safer, cozier winters with more efficient fires. If you live in the greater Indianapolis area, contact us today to schedule an inspection for your smoke chamber and get service from your local professionals.

Just call us at 463-238-3568 or email OFFICE@BRICKANDEMBER.COM, and our experts will be glad to assist you.